Wednesday, June 29, 2011


by Veronica Roth, 487 pages

In Beatrice Prior's world, everyone one is divided into five factions that represent different values. She is born in Abnegation, a faction that values selflessness above all else. Even though she appreciates the values she's grown up with, Beatrice feels stifled by the Abnegation restrictions. At sixteen, she is at the age to choose which faction will become the rest of her life. If she decides to choose a faction other than the one she was born into, she will be cut off from her family. The choice she makes will determine her entire future, but the choice may be more dangerous for Beatrice than she realizes.

Oh my gosh, I loved this book! I started it in the morning on my break and within the first 5 minutes knew that I wasn't going to be able to put it down. I read it on short increments during my breaks throughout the day and couldn't wait to go home so I could read. I stayed up late to finish it, because I couldn't possibly sleep without knowing how the story ends! Divergent is an adrenaline rush filled with challenges, fights, conspiracy, and just enough romance to make life worth living in dark times. Tris is a totally kick-butt character, I can't wait to see where Roth takes the rest of the series. This is one I'll be recommending to everyone I know, so if you haven't put yourself on the waiting list yet, now's the time!